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Early Bird Special

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Barbara Getty, MAT

Co-Author Getty-Dubay Italic Handwriting

Barbara Getty, BA, MAT is an internationally recognized calligrapher and authority on italic handwriting. Her enthusiastic teaching has inspired people of all ages—including over 4,000 doctors—to write with legibility and ease. Getty is co-author with Inga Dubay of ten books on letter arts, including the eight-volume Getty-Dubay® Italic Handwriting Series for K-6 and WRITE NOW™: the Getty-Dubay® Program for Handwriting Success™ for adults, and has been featured on Good Morning America as well as in over 75 publications including TIME, The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times.

Barbara was an adjunct professor at Portland Community College where she taught calligraphy and handwriting for thirty years. She was an elementary school teacher for fourteen years and also taught at Portland State University and Lewis and Clark College in Portland, Oregon. She and co-author Inga Dubay presented 170 "Rx for Handwriting Success™" seminars for medical professionals across the United States, and also have presented at the World Health Organization in Copenhagen, Denmark, and the International Patient Safety Conference in Florence, Italy

Sunday, January 23, 2022 - Part Three
5:00 PM - 5:45 PM

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